In Simple Terms - What is EFT?
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE - EFT for short, is a process whereby you use your own fingers to gently apply pressure (by tapping) your bodies meridian points.
The Chinese have known about the meridian system for many hundreds (if not thousands) of years. Acupuncture has been used in Eastern cultures for a very very long time, and has really only gained wide acceptance in Western cultures over the last hundred or so years.
However unlike acupuncture which involves the use of fine needles, you are using our own fingers to gently tap these points whilst addressing the negative emotion or limiting belief.
Tapping the Meridian Points
As previously mentioned unlike acupuncture which used fine needles, EFT is sometimes called acupressure as it involves tapping of specific meridian points using your own fingers. Along with the tapping there is a specific protocol we follow, we call these steps the Setup and Sequence.
The Setup is the First Step: We perform this step by stating the negative emotion or offending issue whilst usually tapping on the Karate Chop Point. We usually repeat the same statement three times before moving onto the Sequence.
The Sequence is the Second Step: During the Sequence Phase we tap eight different meridian points whilst discussing and diving a little deeper into our negative emotions.
A Typical EFT Script
Even though I am afraid of dogs I love and accept myself
Even though I am afraid of dogs I love and accept myself
Even though I am afraid of does I love and accept myself
I was attacked by a dog when I was young
I was bitten on the foot
I was riding my bike
I am so scared of Dogs
So scared of being bitten again
I was just 4 years old when I was attacked
I hurt so much
There was so much blood
Is that it, is that all there is to it...
No of course not... The Sequence will usually involve multiple rounds of tapping as we dive into the emotions themselves, and during this time we dive into other areas, including our perceptions of what happened, how we perceived the events as a child and maybe now as an adult.
There is a lot of activity that goes on when tapping, yet in its simplicity the above is the basics of the Setup and Sequence Phases of EFT. The rest involves tapping of the Meridian Points whilst making statements and phrases as we continue to dive deeper into whatever it is that we are looking to release.
Illustrations of some of the Tapping Points
The Setup Point:

Tapping the Setup on the Karate Chop Point.
We call this Meridian Point the Karate Chop Point as it is located at about the position on the fleshy part of the hand which would be used if you were going to Karate Chop someone - I never said EFT wasn't violent 🙂
The Sequence Points:

The Eye Brow Point.
This shows the location of the Eye Brow Meridian Point. For ease we usually tap this location using two fingers, the index and middle finger.

Side of the Eye.
This shows the location of the Meridian Point located at the side of the Eye. Its location is on the bone just in front of the temple - we don't want to be tapping on the temple as that just hurts...

Under the Eye.
This shows the location of the Meridian Point located Under the Eye. More or less on the cheek bone. I usually end up tapping that point with my two middle fingers - its a really easy point to tap.

Under Nose.
This shows the location of the Under Nose Meridian Point. I usually end up tapping that point with either my index and middle finger or just my middle finger on its own.

Chin Meridian Point.
This shows the location of the Chin Meridian Point. I usually end up tapping that point with my index and middle finger.

Collar Bone Point.
This shows the location of the Collar Bone Meridian Point. I usually end up tapping that point with all my fingers - its just more comfortable to gently tap with all my fingers joining in.
The location of the collar bone point: If you locate the area where the two collar bones come together, where you find a hollow... Simply go about an inch to the left or right and you will be around that location.