Are you being held hostage by trauma or unresolved emotions?
- this can all change -
Are you being held hostage by trauma or unresolved emotions?
- this can all change -

Being dragged up in a dysfunctional home then running away to join the military all led to alcohol and panic attacks, yet this has ALSO enabled me to become a very unique practitioner, with greater depth understanding and a real ability to connect.
Let go of fear, trauma and unwanted emotions; and rediscover your true self.

Maybe you think your too Old, it's been so long EFT won't help
Your never too old to let go of emotions. You might have lived with these for years or even decades, but you can still release in as little as one or two sessions.
Will this help release Trauma?
EFT is extremely successful in this area. I have helped many individuals release the trauma of child sexual abuse, rape, death of loved ones, post trauma and everything in between.
Maybe you think your too Old, it's been so long EFT won't help
Your never too old to let go of emotions. You might have lived with these for years or even decades, but you can still release in as little as one or two sessions.
Will this help release Trauma?
EFT is extremely successful in this area. I have helped many individuals release the trauma of child sexual abuse, rape, death of loved ones, post trauma and everything in between.
Maybe your embarrassed by your past
Embarrassment: "what will others think of me or my problems". Like all EFT Practitioners I do not Judge anyone... I am here so you can let go of past hurts, embarrassments and emotions, nothing more..
I have been in Therapy what makes EFT any better?
I was also drawn down this path myself after conventional therapy failed me... It's not that EFT is better, it's just that from my own personal experience it can be more effective at releasing negative emotions..

Maybe your embarrassed by your past
Embarrassment: "what will others think of me or my problems". Like all EFT Practitioners I do not Judge anyone... I am here so you can let go of past hurts, embarrassments and emotions, nothing more..
I have been in Therapy what makes EFT any better?
I was also drawn down this path myself after conventional therapy failed me... It's not that EFT is better, it's just that from my own personal experience it can be more effective at releasing negative emotions..
"EFT doesn't discriminate it doesn't care about your age, sex, race or background, in fact EFT doesn't care about anything except the releasing of negative emotions"
How is it Performed?
EFT is a simple process that involves tapping on the meridian points whilst stating very specific phrases. The two core elements of EFT are called the Setup and Sequence. More general information on performing EFT can be found here: The EFT Process
Why Wait Another Moment?
I am sometimes considered a bit special by some that have come to know me 🙂 I don't follow the standard route, if you say go right I'm just as likely to see what would happen if I go left. I have been interested in human development and potential for a long time, this mostly came about after experiencing my own personal setbacks.
One thing I know to be true above all else, I will one day find myself in a hole and that visitation is coming for all of us. My grandson at the age of 7 said something profound one day, he said poppy do you know there are two days that you never complete. I had no idea what was coming next, but I had to know; What may I ask what are you referring to? the day you are born and the day you die. Wisdom from a 7 year old.
Why live another year, 5 years or 10 years, or why spend the rest of your life living with negative emotions, life is for living so maybe its time to let it go.
If you knew your ability to feel good you wouldn't waste another day, seek me out, or at least seek out another EFT Practitioner who can help you live to your fullest by letting go of all the crap that's getting in the way.

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek"
- Joseph Campbell -

About Me
My involvement with EFT and then eventually choosing to become an EFT Practitioner started around 15 years ago.
Although becoming involved with EFT initially wasn't by choice; its not something someone suddenly decides to do after taking a long nap, you don't suddenly wake up and decide "heh let's become an EFT Practitioner".
Individuals usually find their way to EFT due to an obstacle in one's path, and believe me I had a big obstacle I needed to overcome...

The Four Minute EFT Script
Are you having trouble with Personal Scripts?
Practitioners have their own way of creating scripts; gleamed from years of experience and knowledge.
However none of this helps the average person who simply wants to be able to let go of personal emotions now, without having to spend years trying to figure it all out.
I have overcome this by putting my unique method of personal scripting into an easy to read book. I have called the book "The Four Minute EFT Script"
There is nothing difficult with this method of personal scripting; in fact once you have learnt this method you can never unlearn, you will never forget...
The Four Minute EFT Script
Are you having trouble with Personal Scripts?
Practitioners have their own way of creating scripts; gleamed from years of experience and knowledge.
However none of this helps the average person who simply wants to be able to let go of personal emotions now, without having to spend years trying to figure it all out.
I have overcome this by putting my unique method of personal scripting into an easy to read book. I have called the book "The Four Minute EFT Script"
There is nothing difficult with this method of personal scripting; in fact once you have learnt this method you can never unlearn, you will never forget...