My involvement with EFT and eventually choosing to become an EFT Practitioner started some 15 or so years ago.
Although becoming involved with EFT wasn't by choice; its not something someone suddenly decides to do after taking a long nap, you don't suddenly wake up declaring "heh it's time, it's time, today is the time to become an EFT Practitioner".
I was drawn down this path after conventional therapy failed me.

My involvement with EFT and eventually choosing to become an EFT Practitioner started some 15 or so years ago.
Although becoming involved with EFT wasn't by choice; its not something someone suddenly decides to do after taking a long nap, you don't suddenly wake up declaring "heh it's time, it's time, today is the time to become an EFT Practitioner".
I was drawn down this path after conventional therapy failed me.

My involvement with EFT and eventually choosing to become an EFT Practitioner started some 15 or so years ago.
Although becoming involved with EFT wasn't by choice; its not something someone suddenly decides to do after taking a long nap, you don't suddenly wake up declaring "heh it's time, it's time, today is the time to become an EFT Practitioner".
I was drawn down this path after conventional therapy failed me.
The Obstacle In My Path
Individuals usually find their way to EFT due to an obstacle in one's path; and believe me at that time of my life I had a big obstacle I needed to overcome as I found myself suffering from panic attacks.
This of course was a sudden shock to my system, it wasn't something that agreed with me. Having grown up in a family environment where these types of things were in your head, and having also served in the military where I had found myself serving with the UN in Africa, the last thing I was expecting was for my head to malfunction (that's the story I kept telling myself at the time).
So the natural course of action was to go see my GP... His first port of call was to send me to see a psychologist - which of course was the most natural approach. However for me this proved to be a mistake as conventional therapy didn't work.
The Failure
After conventional therapy failed; such as sitting down with a psychologist. I was left alone to go out and figure it out myself.
I agree that visiting with a psychologist did help me to get a better understanding of what was going on, but in the end my psychologist admitted that there was nothing else she could do to help me as I had exhausted this avenue, I was told that I had to learn to live with it and to somehow manage it.
"Manage it, she had to be kidding".... How was someone going to manage a panic attack - But that's as far as conventional sit down therapy has reached, so I was left on my own to figure it out for myself.
It was at this time that I went looking for other ways to heal myself. I looked at many other alternatives that took me down many many roads that seemed to lead nowhere, but eventually I came across this thing called EFT.. Nothing else had worked thus far and I hadn't given up on finding a cure, so I figured I might as well give it a look. It took some time and a lot of personal study but eventually I was able to completely release the panic attacks (and they have never returned).
Yet the Panic Attacks also included a lot of triggers, so whilst I was releasing the panic attacks I was actually releasing the emotions at the root of these attacks; thus I was in personal therapy covering a lot of topics.
As I had already been down many roads that had taken me nowhere I was reluctant to seek out an EFT Practitioner as I initially thought EFT would fail like everything else. Looking back now I know I may have been able to release the panic attacks sooner if I had taken the steps to see a practitioner.
However on the flip side I might not be here now working as an EFT Practitioner if I had not gone down my path and taken that longer route; so today I am happy I went down the path I choose.
A Man Possessed
After my own personal success with releasing panic attacks I then went on to release many other issues that had plagued me from my childhood, to events in my teens, and a whole swag of other events that held emotional trauma.
I had become a mad man almost possessed as I would tap anywhere at any time to release whatever was coming up.
This of course did not go down to well with the rest of the family. I would often be seen tapping whilst shopping, in the car, outside my children's school, and anywhere when negative emotions surfaced. I had the view that there was nothing like the present, so if a negative emotion showed up then I got tapping right away. Eventually over time as I cleared out more and more of the negative emotions and those negative experiences the need to tap as often diminished.
My motto: "its better out then in"
I feel that my own personal experience has made me a better EFT Practitioner, far better than I could have ever become had I not gone through those tough times in my life. I guess I have the panic attacks to thank for this, as I might not have even gone down this path and I might never have found my way to EFT without having suffered them.
Today I love nothing more than being able to help someone overcome and let go of negative emotions.. To me it doesn't matter how big or how small the emotional discomfort is, because if its effecting you in any way then it should be released - EFT the right tool for the job.