EFT for Child Abuse
If there is one area of Abuse that perhaps puts our hair on edge more than any other area it has to be child abuse, I think its an area where a lot of us find it difficult to comprehend. The unthinkable acts that individuals perpetrate against a child can leave that boy or girl with long lasting deep emotional issues that last a lifetime.
During the time I have been active as an EFT Practitioner I have had the privilege of working with many many clients in the area of child sexual abuse. It may seem strange to use the word "privilege" but to me it sure feels that way, as I get the privilege of seeing individuals change right in front of my eyes. The joy that reappears on someones face when the most painful place in their heart is healed, and I get to see that first glimpse, the first smile, that first breath they take as a smile reappears on their face; now that's true joy for both of us.
Do I see these same happenings with other topics, yes of course I do. Every person that comes to me has emotional pain of some type, and it doesn't matter what it is, it can be pain from having a friend tell them in grade 5 that they were ugly and wont get a girl friend or boy friend. It doesn't matter what the topic is because if its real to you then its real, and when you let that go what is left is joy and happiness.

Abuse and Child Abuse
Seeing Clients
The main reason I wanted to take this opportunity to mention child abuse is to point out that I have no problem with helping anyone (male or female) overcome the effects of this type of abuse. I know many clients are full of shame when they come to me, they want to be over their pain but don't want to talk to a stranger about it. And this I believe is the real reason many hold back from seeking help (seeking freedom), as the shame is so intense that it freezes them from taking that initial step.
I also know that you may not want to talk to anyone about the events themselves, and this might be preventing you from seeking help. If your a female then talking to an EFT Practitioner who happens to be a male can also bring up other issues (this is something I sometimes see), however I would like to reassure you that over the years I have heard a lot, and there is nothing for you to be ashamed of.
At the same time it is also perfectly normal if you do have fear and are a little afraid before a session (knowing you might be talking about stuff), you might also be full of other emotions like hate, anger, rage and a whole swag of mixed and sometimes even very confused emotions, this is normal, your allowed to have them so don't worry about having them.
Many Practitioners find they have certain areas where they like to work and apply their skills, I personally love working as a Practitioner in all areas, however I do hold a special place for Post Traumatic Stress and child Abuse.
On my journey as a practitioner I found that many colleagues will not (and still won't) touch this area. Thus if they get a phone call from a potential client on this topic they would instantly tell them they don't specialize in this area and refrain from taking them on as a client. I still see this to this day; recently I was on a course and I overheard a discussion between a small group of Practitioners whom said that they don't like dealing with this topic and always prefer to stay away. I am not sure why this exists as we all have great skills, however I believe it might be because its an area of the human heart they are afraid of seeing.
To me Post Traumatic Stress is also always present when dealing with those suffering the effects of child abuse and or child sexual abuse. Once we release the trauma of the experience then the post traumatic stress which has kept us frozen to that point in time also tends to let go of its grip, and once this occurs freedom is once again felt for the first time in years, and for many it may be the first real sense of freedom that they have experienced in decades.
I deal with clients on all matters and I certainly don't aim to minimize any emotional distress that a client is dealing with. You don't have to be suffering the effects of Child Abuse to have trauma and emotional distress, however the real reason I wanted to discuss Child Abuse is to say "if your ready to let go then its time"