EFT for Pain from Stress or Injury
What came first the Chicken or the Egg
EFT can certainly be used to overcome pain, and in many cases the pain is associated with emotions. I will be up front and say it's my own belief that EFT can and will work 100% of the time for negative emotions, but the same cannot be said for all physical pain.
That being said if the pain is directly related to a negative emotion or a specific emotional event, then the pain should also subside. Yes it does sound silly that pain can be an emotion that has manifested into a physical issue in the body; I do see this on many occasions.
In these cases if we release the negative emotion then the pain usually also subsides. But how do we know, how can we tell if a pain is caused from unresolved emotion, it beats the shit out of me!!! In the end your guess is as good as mine, but I do see all sorts of physical pain go away after emotions are released.
But what about an injury or illness, lets say an injury from a car accident or a physical problem such as a blood disorder. I have heard and read articles about clients healing from all sorts of ailments and diseases that can only be attributed to EFT. I certainly have no problem tapping with a client for an injury or illness, but I also search for any negative emotions that could have contributed to it (my story below is a perfect example of this)
lets get back to the chicken and the egg
I want to briefly discuss a case that illustrates this topic perfectly, yet it is all screwed up at the same time. On a metaphysical level its one really bizarre cases that I cant explain, and as such its one of the reasons I have started to study quantum physics.
I was contacted by a person over the internet by the name of Dave (not his real name), he was asking questions about EFT and wondered if it might help for his physical issue, as after 4 months nothing was helping. I figured what the heck it cant hurt lets do a session.
Well it turns out that he was a building supervisor for a section of the government that was involved in upgrading and building of schools. For the last 4 months he had been getting around on crutches as he was unable to put any weight on his leg due to the intense pain from an injury.
So what was his injury?, it was a stone bruise on his heal.. For whatever reason there was one particular day where he took his boots of to walk back to his car and happened to stand on something awkwardly and got a stone bruise from it.
As we know anything we call a stone bruise is usually very painful but does subside after a few days. But for Dave it didn't go away, in fact it got worse. The initial area of the stone bruise was under his foot near the heal, but by the end of 4 months the pain had progressed to almost his complete foot and ankle. In fact the underside of his foot and parts of his ankle was black from what appeared to be bruising. So his small injury had progressed over several months into a really nasty looking injury with no-one being able to provide any relief, except to say that it might take 12 months to go away.
We did about 30 minutes of tapping on the injury itself, we attacked it from all different angles but it didn't offer much help. So I started to ask questions about his family life and wanted to know if there was anything going on. There didnt really appear to be any issues at home, we came up with some small things but after tapping on them they didnt offer any solution.
Then I asked him to go back 6 months, but still nothing. I then said if there was anyone causing any issues in relationships outside the home, at work or anything like that. The only thing he came up with was one person that had been causing him some stress due to his attitude towards his wife.
Apparently this was a person that was known to both him and his wife and had been a long term friend, but had said a couple of things about his wife in recent times that had started to cause problems between him and his wife. And to top it off this person also worked with him and due to his injury he was picking him up in the morning and bringing him home each day.
The problems started some 6 to 8 months prior to the stone bruise, which meant it wasn't a new issue and you wouldn't expect it to have anything to do with the stone bruise.
But we started tapping and after about 10 minutes of delving into the dynamics of the relationship and the problems he was having and the emotions he was having about the relationship he discovered that his pain didn't seem to be as bad. So we really got stuck into this and targeted all the emotions, the injury the pain and did lots of tapping as if it was all related.
I actually did this via skype as I am in Australia and he was somewhere in America. It ended up that by the time we finished the session it was about 9pm where he was so he went to bed after the session. At the end of our session he said a lot of his pain had disappeared and he was able to rest his foot on the ground without too much problem.
Did It Work?
Eagerly I emailed him the next day to ask how he got on at work. His response almost blew me away as I wasn't expecting what was to come. He said when he go up that morning he had no pain in his foot, he didn't take his crutches to work, and almost all of the blackness had disappeared. He was only left with slight pain on the side of his foot, but after 4 months on crutches and being told it might take another 12 months to heal he was ecstatic at being able to walk around without any problem.
So what just happened, he had an injury that from the outside appears to have had nothing to do with the problems he was having with his friend. In fact these problems started 6 months before he acquired the stone bruise, thus one had nothing to do with the other. But for some reason they were connected, the stone bruise had taken on all the emotional pain of the soured relationship.
So was the stone bruise manifested by the emotional problem or was it an accident that became a storage ground for the negative emotions? I can only suspect that once he experienced the injury his body then used that location to store all the negative emotions he was experiencing.
I have seen many clients over the years that will say for example that a shoulder pain crept up out of the blue for no apparent reason, there was no injury but it started at about the same time of some emotional distress being experienced... However in the event of an injury (or accident) we have to suspect that one has nothing to do with the other and emotions have nothing to do with the injury itself (or do they).
Which is why I say what came first the chicken or the egg. Was the injury in the story above caused as a direct result of the negative emotions or had the body simply used that injury to store all the negative emotions. If you speak to a quantum physicist he might say that one and both are the same, the emotions caused the injury and the injury caused the emotions as they are both related.
At any rate the above story proves that you can never truly be sure if physical problems are related to emotions or vise versa.